① Material : Inorganic material
② Types and combinations :
- Magnesium type (MgO, MgSO4, MgCL2, Stone Powder, Plasticized Coal Materials, Foamed Concrete)
- Cement type (OPC, stone powder, mined coal ash, foarmed concrete)
③ Characteristics of products
- Structural stability: Static horizontal load resistance, Excellent stability, horizontal and vertical pull tests
- Completely non-combustible: Fire resistance for more than 2 hours
- Insulation: 30% improvement over single wall
- Sound Insulation: 30% improvement in lightness over single wall
※ Lightweighted (40 kg/m2) and specially manufactured equipment (2-person) capable of carrying out labor in the building This technique is fixed to upper slab, not lower part, so that the hot water pipe on the floor is intact.