
경량기포콘크리트, 배합특허보유, 경량패널, 다양한 납품사례, 풍부한기술력, 고객만족서비스



Lightweight Concrete

01. Cellular Lightweight Concrete overview and future business prospects

- What is Cellular Lightweight Concrete?
CLC refers to a technology that injects slurry mixed with cement, water, bubbles, and Admixture into the target area to solidify and fill the target area while securing the unit weight and strength provided by the design basis.

- Cellular Lightweight Concrete's advantages(Our competitiveness)
Cellular Lightweight Concrete products have excellent flowability and lightness (Low Load Reduce) so they can be applied to any shapes in the target area. Since long-distance filling is possible, the injection part (occupation with workspace) is minimized, creating numerous fine independent air bubbles that are excellent for traffic congestion, civil complaints. Hence, it has excellent characteristics such as insulation, soundproofin and shock absorption, etc.

02. Performance